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  • Writer's pictureJesse Campbell

Hell is a Self-Designed Website

As is tradition, I have successfully ignored this website for two years, so now I must give it more attention than it deserves.

And in the spirit of justifying the amount I'm spending on this Wix subscription, I have begun adding more old stories to the website. I have also, you may have noticed, removed the "Featured Stories" section of the site.

Why did I do this?

Because I never should have made that section in the first place. In my mind, these are the things that were going to happen when I made this website:

  1. I was going to engage in a more traditional form of blogging - that is, sharing whatever random, dumb junk that came to my mind. Movie reviews? Maybe. Recaps of old He-Man episodes? Certainly possible. Essays about growing up as a uninteresting, though highly anxious white guy? There was never a doubt.

  2. I was going to do...something more productive with my fiction. Try to sell it to one of the dwindling number of entities that pay for fiction, or maybe make another story collection book that no one wants. You know...something.

  3. I was going to focus on the distressing number of book ideas I've been exploring over the years.

What ended up happening is that I had no good ideas beyond the little stories I largely wrote for Reddit (and only occasionally wrote for myself). So I started putting those on here.

But some of my stories I held in higher regard than the others. Mostly because they were longer and longer=better, but also some of them are actually kinda not that awful. Thus the "Featured Stories" section for VIP bits of fiction. It was mostly for their sake. They are my special little guys after all.

Anyway, that approach was a pain. It is orders of magnitude easier to just put whatever I make into this handy little blog section, where even dum-dums like myself can't mess things up too bad. So that's what I've done. All the stories, from the very short to the not-quite-a-book are all together here in the blog. Are they easier to find? Probably not! But if you wanted intuitive design you've come to the very worst possible guy.

Thanks for reading. I'll see you all again in two to three years.


Noriko Morishima
Noriko Morishima
Oct 05, 2023

So that's why my inbox has been getting spammed with e-mails about you posting stuff! 😂

(This is not a complaint. I was just very surprised and slightly concerned. But once I actually opened one of the e-mails and saw that you're posting stories, I was like "Yay!")

or maybe make another story collection book that no one wants

I might want! Someday! When I have money to pay for things with! And a place to put books, if you mean a print book! (It would definitely depend on which stories were in it, though.)

Anyway, thanks for adding all these stories! I look forward to reading them! Good luck with the next couple years, I hope they go how…

Noriko Morishima
Noriko Morishima
Oct 06, 2023
Replying to

Hahaha, well that's one way to find out I guess 😆 Don't worry, I just checked and there is in fact an unsubscribe option. (I'm not using it though, I think I want to know the next time you decide to dump your Google Drive into the river.)

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